Thursday, April 16, 2009

Can bleaching your teeth weaken them?

i feel like my bite is not as strong as it ussed to be.

Can bleaching your teeth weaken them?
actually it weeken the teeth as they are chemical (actually the bleaching material the dentist use is the same bleaching material used for cleaning bathrooms (sodium hypochlorite) except that it%26#039;s concentration is just 10% , it%26#039;s safe only if it%26#039;s used with precaution by the dentist only. it does not affect the bite but it can cause sensetivity of teeth specially with the long use of the home bleaching systems.
Reply:i would think so
Reply:do not over use them.
Reply:yes it can weaken your teeth, but your jaw controls your bite and i dont know if it can weaken your jaw
Reply:i think it does. Consult your doctor ASAP.
Reply:I think over time the bleach does erode the enamel which could cause weaker teeth and they%26#039;ll be more prone to cavities and stuff.
Reply:well i do know it can make them extremely sensitive
Reply:Yes, they can. My dentist told me that I can no longer do any bleaches or any kind of toothpaste that had a whitening agent in it. He said that it was weakening the calcium in my teeth and making them soft. Please be Advised of this, please be careful and do not use the bleaches to often. Ask your dentist, about all of this, if he is honest with you like my dentist is, he should tell you that it does do this.
Reply:I think it%26#039;s the gums that are affected my some bleaching peparations more so than the enamel.

However, the manifestations of a weakened bite would be the same if your teeth become loose to some degree.

I have used peroxide as a bleaching agent for the past 20 some odd years without issue.
Reply:Yes it can. Over the counter whitening solutions and such can weaken teeth not always severely, but they can. The safest way to whiten your teeth is to talk to your dentits. Ask him what he recomends and ask what he thinks of different things you can just get at the store. Good luck!!!
Reply:Yeh it can. Some abrasive toothpastes and whitening kits wear down the natural tooth enamel.

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