Thursday, April 16, 2009

Is artificial bleaching of teeth bad for the teeth or your health in some way?

Whitening of the teeth can tend to cause some temporary sensitivity, but otherwise if you use a reputable product and follow the directions you should be fine. Using them repeatedly very often isn%26#039;t necessary and should be avoided. The whitening agent used in most products has been used in dentistry for a long time and has a long record of safety and reliability...Hope that helps!

Here is a post that I wrote for someone else that might be of interest....

I can say that most of my patient%26#039;s have had some measure of success with the Crest Whitestrips (which cost about $20.00), some more than others. Our office uses the Supreme which are 4 times stronger than what you can get in the store (and cost $60.00), but the others will work as well but take more time and possibly more than one kit.The results are usually pretty quick, noticeable in the first few days, best in a week or longer.If you can, do yourself the favor of using them right after you get your teeth cleaned as any staining and buildup (tartar, plaque, or orthodontic cement) will impede their ability to work. They will not whiten any white fillings you may have, but whiten uniformly. Also, don%26#039;t use fluoride toothpaste before putting the strips on (same reason). You should not drink or eat anything dark for at least 1/2 hour after using the strips.

The strips/trays are your least costly whitening method as compared to custom made trays or in office whitening ($500.00+) All of the methods (strips, trays, custom trays, in office whitening) have the potential to make your teeth temporarily sensitive, but will not harm the enamel. If you get sensitive use the product every other day in conjunction with a sensitive tooth toothpaste. You might try to drink dark liquids through a straw and don%26#039;t smoke. Most whitening toothpastes just remove stain on the surfaces of your teeth and therefore are not so effective. Whatever method you use it will not whiten your teeth for life, as you age your teeth will get darker and may need to be whitened again.

Good luck!

JAMRDH - a dental hygienist

Is artificial bleaching of teeth bad for the teeth or your health in some way?
according to what i have read, tooth bleaching if frequently done, can lead to thinning of the enamel
Reply:Commonsense dictates that when you %26#039;fool around%26#039; with your body, you are going to have to pay a price at somepoint down the road.

Liposuction is another example.

Crash Dieting - which does not work - is one more example........

I can go on and on....
Reply:I use straight peroxide. swish for as long as you can stand it, then rinse.
Reply:Most bleaching products now ( especially ones from the dentist) contain such a low dose of bleach they do not cause any harm to your body. I would recommend however a proper kit designed especially for your mouth from a dentist. The over the counter types are standard trays and can cause damage to the gums etc.

If the bleaching is done correctly you should not have to repeat it too often. Can cause some short term sensitivity


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